Career Transitions: Reflections on saying good-bye
Happy Spring! As the Chicago weather transitions from freezing cold to hot to (kinda)cold again, it seems poetic that I am going through...

The Art & Science of Love-making! The Gottman's new sex blog!
As a therapist who specializes in working with couples, I have been part of a multi-year training and certification process in Gottman...

Reflections on my first "Day of Mindfulness"
I started a formal meditation practice about 8 months ago, and a large part of this was joining a Sangha that meditates as a group once a...

Follow up to yesterday's blog post on anti-depressant use during pregnancy!
Yesterday I blogged about the debate and high levels of anxiety that accompany the use of psychotropic medications during pregnancy and...

Depression during and after pregnancy: The ongoing debate about treatment
Within the last year, several studies have been published linking the use of anti-depressants during pregnancy to scary outcomes in...

Practicing Self-Care: Moving from "Should" to "Good" Habits
If you follow me on Twitter, then you know that yesterday I gave a talk on self-care for the Maternal and Child Health Program in the...

TED talk on women in leadership
If you are in Chicago, I hope you are staying safe in the snow! In the last month or so, I have become obsessed with the TED talks! There...

Decoding tantrums
A toddler having an emotional meltdown is one of the most provocative situations that a parent can face. It’s intense, irrational, seems...

New Year's Intentions
Happy New Year everyone! As a new calendar year begins, I like to take the opportunity to reflect on the past year and to think about...

Multi-tasking more stressful for women!
NPR featured a story recently on a study published in the American Sociological Review looking more deeply at the emotional experience of...