Modern Issues in the Transitions to Parenthood: Using Mindfulness to Stay Connected with Your Partne
One of my clients recently had a baby, and a few months ago she said something to the effect of, “My husband and I are really trying, but...

The Attachment Mix Tape Track #3: "How Deep is your Love?" by the Bee Gees
One thing that happened in 2015 is my beloved iPod (the classic) was stolen after someone broke into my car. (Lesson learned – never...

A Shout Out to all Men coming to Couples Therapy! (especially with a female therapist!)
Yesterday I was meeting with my Perinatal Consultation group and our topic for the month was “Postpartum Couples”. We had a really...

"You scowl because you have indigestion and fourteen people feel inadequate."
As a couples therapist, the question of “fault” comes up quite frequently. Couples in distress are typically wondering – which one of us...

"To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love" - Thich Nhat Hanh
It’s been far too long since I’ve posted here! I was inspired to start writing again by a disturbing but very educational experience I...

Basic Goodness: The Practice that makes all the difference in conflict
In my 10 week group, The Mindful Couple, we just finished week 5 and in this round of the group I’ve introduced the concept and practice...

How do you let go of "being right" during a fight?
Yesterday I saw a clip on Good Morning America about rules to follow when you are fighting with your partner. It got me thinking about...

Listening Passionately: The Five Deceptively Simple Habits to Foster Greater Peace, Intimacy and Co
This past week, I had the honor of being chosen to present at an event called FanFare, a yearly event hosted by a wonderful organization...

Guideline for a Healthy Relationship (in a nutshell)
As we approach the new year, I am cleaning out my old day planner and starting a new one (yes, I am old school!) and found a sheet of...

Surviving the joys and pains of family during the holidays
Murray Bowen (family systems theorist and family therapist) famously coined the term “differentiation”. Being differentiated means being...