"You scowl because you have indigestion and fourteen people feel inadequate."
As a couples therapist, the question of “fault” comes up quite frequently. Couples in distress are typically wondering – which one of us...
"To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love" - Thich Nhat Hanh
It’s been far too long since I’ve posted here! I was inspired to start writing again by a disturbing but very educational experience I...
The Appropriate Response
I’m up early today because I am going to a “One Day Sit” – a day of meditation through Vipassana Illinois. This is the same organization...
Basic Goodness: The Practice that makes all the difference in conflict
In my 10 week group, The Mindful Couple, we just finished week 5 and in this round of the group I’ve introduced the concept and practice...
The Wisdom of No Escape: Post Vipassana Meditation Course reflections
I returned home from the 10 Day Vipassana Meditation course this past Sunday. Its taken me awhile to digest all that I learned and...
Vipassana Meditation retreat - Reflections before!
This afternoon I am on my way to Pecotonica, IL for my first extended meditation retreat. The retreat is a 10 day experience where you...
Listening Passionately: The Five Deceptively Simple Habits to Foster Greater Peace, Intimacy and Co
This past week, I had the honor of being chosen to present at an event called FanFare, a yearly event hosted by a wonderful organization...
My New Favorite Song
I just attended 4 day intensive training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) this past week that was hosted by my DBT Team at The...
Reflections on my first "Day of Mindfulness"
I started a formal meditation practice about 8 months ago, and a large part of this was joining a Sangha that meditates as a group once a...
New Year's Intentions
Happy New Year everyone! As a new calendar year begins, I like to take the opportunity to reflect on the past year and to think about...