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Hello everyone, and welcome to my blog! I am a social worker who provides psychotherapy to individuals and couples, and have been doing this work for just over 10 years. I really love my job because not only do I get the chance to be helpful to others and watch them grow, it’s the sort of job that requires that I continue to work on myself and grow as a person as well.

Much like the experience of psychotherapy, I imagine that I’ll start with a plan for this blog, but in reality it will evolve in ways I can’t imagine right now. Be that as it may, I’m going to say that my plan for this blog is to share research updates on topics related to our mental health, to share my insights about mental health from my experience as a psychotherapist, and to demystify mental health treatment and hopefully contribute to a dialogue that will reduce the stigma of mental health issues. Our emotional health is crucial to living a full and satisfying life! Having access to information, and feeling free to discuss these issues is an important part of creating and maintaining emotional health. So, I hope you will find my posts helpful, and feel free to ask questions and give me feedback.

Thanks for reading!

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